Behind the Computer
Luigi Oppido is the owner and operator of Pleasure Point Computers and has been in the industry for over 16 years, making computers friendly, fast, and fun! Priding himself on having every customer understand what’s being done and how to avoid problems in the future, his personal touch is what allows his computer service to shine above the rest. His business philosophies of “Pay by the Job, Not the Hour” and "No Fix No Pay" allow each person the freedom to bring in a machine and get a proper diagnosis without opening a checkbook. Expanding soon into PC monitoring and off-site data storage, Pleasure Point Computers is your one-stop computer shop. Come by and say hi!
ON AIR: Listen to Luigi on the Radio
Luigi’s segment, The Computer Man!, airs Tuesdays at 6pm PT on KSQD Community Radio. Tune in to past episodes.